Illustration of a cartoon character with pink hair looking sad with the words 'ADHD & Grief' written above, underscored by the creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach.

Dealing with The Double Whammy of ADHD and Grief

Grief affects individuals with ADHD in unique ways, often intensifying emotions and complicating the coping process. Those with ADHD may experience heightened stress, sadness, and difficulty in emotional regulation during grief, necessitating tailored coping strategies. Understanding the interplay between ADHD and grief is crucial for navigating these challenging emotions and finding effective ways to heal.

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Written by

Alice Gendron

Founder of The Mini ADHD Coach

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Ever feel like your emotional rollercoaster has a few more loops and drops than everyone else's, especially when you're dealing with loss? It's not just you! Those of us with ADHD often experience grief in ways that can feel a bit more intense, a little more tangled, and sometimes, just plain different.

In this article, we're going to chat about:

  • How our ADHD brains process emotions differently, making our grief journey unique.
  • The challenges that come with ADHD, like feeling all the feelings at once or struggling to keep up with daily routines while grieving, and why it's totally normal for grief to make adhd symptoms worse.
  • Gentle, practical tips that respect our ADHD brains, to help us move through grief at our own pace.
  • The importance of connecting with others who get it, whether it's through support groups, online communities, or just one-on-one chats with friends who understand the ADHD way of life.

So, if you've ever felt a bit out of step with the world while you're mourning, buckle up. We're diving deep into understanding why that is, and how we can navigate those feelings with a bit more grace and a lot less guilt. Let's make this journey together, one step at a time. ❤️‍

Losing someone we hold close is a jarring, heartbreaking experience. 💔 Even though it's a natural part of life, it's still one of the most challenging experiences for the human brain and body to process. But for those of us with an ADHD diagnosis, this process can feel even trickier to navigate. Handling grief, a universally challenging process, becomes even more intricate with the added layer of dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

I'll never forget the grief that washed over me when I lost my beloved cat. 🐱Pets are more than just animals; they provide support and unconditional love. In my case, my fur baby was a lifeline during the rocky path to my ADHD diagnosis. 

When she fell ill and passed away, my were a rollercoaster. I spent whole days cooped up in my room, distancing myself from the outside world. It wasn't until my family noticed this drastic change in my behavior that I realized I needed help. They gently reminded me that I didn't have to walk this tightrope of grief alone. Support from family members can be pivotal, offering a safe space to express and navigate through the chaotic sea of emotions brought about by loss.💕

A simple drawing of a pink-haired character looking downcast, surrounded by four other somber figures, with a text above saying 'ADHD can impact all parts of our lives, including the most painful ones', creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach at the bottom.

If you're reading this while grieving, I want you to know that your pain is valid. Your challenges are real, and your mental health is affected by the unique interplay between ADHD and grief is something many of us experience but often don't discuss. During such a difficult time, when isolation seems like an easier choice, the role of support systems becomes indispensable in providing a cushion of support.

Two side-by-side drawings of characters, one labeled 'STRUGGLING WITH GRIEF' and the other 'ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES' indicating the extra difficulties for ADHD brains when dealing with loss. The top text states 'COPING WITH DEATH AND LOSS IS HARD FOR EVERYONE. BUT IT CAN BRING ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES FOR ADHD BRAINS.' Creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach is included.

How Emotional Regulation Impacts Our Healing Journey

Emotional regulation refers to our ability to manage and respond to emotional experiences. This is an automatic process for most people, but when you're neurodiverse, 🧠 that whole process can go a bit haywire. Our brains are wired a little differently, which impacts our emotional regulation. Hence why medical professionals coined the term “emotional dysregulation” to describe the reality ADHD brains go through.

You might feel emotions more intensely, struggle to control impulsive reactions, or have difficulty calming down once upset. And these aren't just your run-of-the-mill emotions; they can involve extremes of sadness, anger, and even joy. The negative emotions can envelop us, becoming a hurdle in our day-to-day functioning, especially when the mechanisms to regulate them are hindered by ADHD. Successfully regulating emotions during such times becomes a vital aspect of maintaining a semblance of control and stability in life. The executive function, which is often impaired in individuals with ADHD, becomes particularly crucial when we are faced with the necessity to navigate through the pain of loss.

A pink-haired character is crying with hands raised to their face, with text above saying 'EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION CAN MAKE IT HARD FOR US TO MANAGE STRONG EMOTIONS...' and a smaller text below reads 'it HURTS TOO MUCH.' Scattered drawings of money with sad faces are on the ground. The creator's handle is @the_mini_ADHD_coach.

According to research, emotional regulation plays a crucial role in how we handle loss and work through our grief. In complicated grief, having healthy, stable emotional regulation is especially important. Unlike the more common experiences of grieving, which gradually lessens over time and allows for healing, complicated grief seems to be stuck in an intense emotional state. It can persist for months or years, interfering with everyday activities, relationships, and overall wellbeing.

Research suggests that ADHD adults who struggle with emotional regulation are more prone to depressive symptoms and anxiety during stressful events like losing a loved one or pregnancy loss. We might experience overwhelming emotions that become difficult to manage, partly due to ADHD symptoms and partly because we're human, and grief is tough. 😥

Illustration of a pink-haired character and another character standing next to a tombstone with a cat's face on it. The text reads 'AND WE MIGHT NEED MORE TIME THAN OTHERS TO PROCESS THEM...' with a smaller text saying 'COME ON, it's been TWO MONTHS...' creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach at the bottom.

You see, grieving demands a lot from our emotional self. We're expected to process our pain, and deal with material aspects like memorials or will while facing increasing trouble focusing on daily tasks. All these tasks require emotional balance that can be hard to maintain for neurodiverse people. 

In general ADHD is linked with chemical and physiological imbalances. It is the very fabric of our brain chemistry that is the root cause of all of our symptoms.

For instance, some of us have trouble eating or experience body distancing and withdrawing into ourselves during extreme stress and grief. It's like your mind and body are tugging in different directions, making finding some semblance of 'normal' even more challenging. 

Now, this isn't just about lacking 'coping skills'; it's about neurodivergence affecting how we deal with life's toughest challenges. So, it's okay if you're finding it hard to cope. It's okay if you can't stop thinking about what happened or grappling with emotions in a way that doesn't fit the 'stages of grief.' You're not alone; there are ways to grow around the grief and find joy again. But to be able to do this, it's important to understand how we might process grief differently. ⬇️

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Why People With ADHD Might Process Grief Differently

Grieving is a universal human experience, but not everyone navigates it similarly. ADHD can throw a wrench into an already complex emotional process, intensifying symptoms like impulsivity, distractibility, and hyperactivity. 

So, let's dive in and unravel how these symptoms can uniquely shape our grieving experience.


When dealing with waves of emotions, our impulsive tendencies can make us opt for quick fixes. You may find yourself reaching for comfort food or struggling with impulse buying, like compulsively buying things online. Impulsivity can drive us to seek quick solutions, even though true relief and the ability to find comfort in memories, without the sting of fresh pain, takes time.

We might feel so desperate for relief that we consider risky coping mechanisms like self-medication 💊 or diving into the deep end with substances like alcohol  or addictive drugs. 

Illustration shows a pink-haired character with their head down on a desk next to a spilt bottle and a glass, with the text 'OUR IMPULSIVITY CAN LEAD US TO COPE IN DANGEROUS WAYS...' and a thought bubble saying 'I DON’T WANT TO FEEL ANYTHING ANYMORE.' Creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach is at the bottom.

But these quick fixes often sidestep the real issue and can lead to problems like trouble eating or financial hardship. Not only can this mess with your day-to-day life, but it can also become a more significant issue that takes a long time to untangle, leading to illness and depression.

Inability To Focus

Emotional healing demands our focus, but with ADHD, it's often the first thing to go during stress. After the loss or death of a loved one, you might have a list of responsibilities to get through - like planning a funeral or sorting through belongings. ✅ But when our inability to focus shows up, we can have even more of a hard time than usual stepping up to what needs doing.


This one's a double-edged sword. Your brain always looks for the 'next thing,' even when drowning in sorrow. This restless energy can make the traditional grieving process feel more like a chore than a natural emotional journey. The constant need for stimulation can make you jittery, leading to trouble sleeping or resting. 

Feeling restless is a reasonably common experience during grief; there's often a sense of urgency about what to do next within the family to get life back on track and move toward the future. But for those who lean towards a more hyperactive presentation of ADHD, this restlessness can turn into irritability and anxiety.

Illustration shows a pink-haired character with their head down on a desk next to a spilt bottle and a glass, with the text 'OUR IMPULSIVITY CAN LEAD US TO COPE IN DANGEROUS WAYS...' and a thought bubble saying 'I DON’T WANT TO FEEL ANYTHING ANYMORE.' Creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach is at the bottom

When you're already feeling restless and possibly even a tad irritable due to your hyperactive brain, intrusive thoughts can escalate that restlessness to the next level, adding another layer of anxiety or even paranoia.

These thoughts might swoop in, asking questions like, 'did I do enough for the person who's gone?' or 'what's going to happen to me now?' These questions, valid as they may be, can feel incredibly overwhelming when you're already in an emotional whirlpool. 🌀 In this perplexing journey, fear of judgment or a fear of not grieving 'appropriately' can sometimes be a silent hurdle, yet it's vital to remember that your process is uniquely yours.

Your brain doesn't exactly have a 'pause' button for these thoughts - especially when you're dealing with ADHD. But awareness is the first step towards improvement. Acknowledging that these intrusive thoughts are a symptom - not usually based on reality - can provide a much-needed perspective shift. 🌈

Illustration depicting a pink-haired character with an expression labeled 'NUMB' and another character saying 'I’m sorry for your loss…'. Text above reads 'AND WE CAN END UP COMPLETELY BLOCKING OUR EMOTIONS TO AVOID FEELING THINGS SO STRONGLY.' Creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach is visible

Is There a 'Right Way' to Grieve?

Okay, let's get one thing straight - grieving is unique to each person. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to coping with loss. You're dealing with your feelings in a way that makes the most sense to you and your circumstances. Everyone, whether they are dealing with ADHD or not, has their own way of traversing through their grieving journey

Two separate illustrations of a pink-haired character: the top one within a blue speech bubble says 'IT’S OK TO ASK FOR HELP IF YOU STRUGGLE,' and the bottom one within a yellow speech bubble reads 'WE ALL DEAL WITH GRIEF DIFFERENTLY. THERE IS NO "RIGHT WAY" TO GRIEVE.' Creator's handle @the_mini_ADHD_coach is noted below.

You've probably heard some 'rules' about how you're supposed to grieve, but the stigma around 'normal' grieving behaviors can be seriously harmful. Sure, maybe you're experiencing a rollercoaster of ADHD symptoms while coping with your loss. Maybe you're finding it even harder to manage impulsivity, or your attention span seems to have gone off the rails at the worst possible time. No two ADHD diagnoses are the same, so how ADHD intertwines with grief can differ dramatically from person to person. 

Many adults find that allowing themselves to be vulnerable and seek help can pave a way toward healing.A gentle talk with a professional or a loved one, sharing the whirlwind inside you, can be the first step towards finding a grounding point amidst the emotional chaos. The key point here as you begin to seek support, whether it's through friends, family, or even support groups you facilitate an environment that will enable your healing journey. If you need medication or other forms of treatment as part of your coping toolkit, that's valid, too. 🛠️ After all, treatment options are just that - options. You get to choose what helps you heal best. If dealing with grief and ADHD feels too much, here are ways to manage those feelings and find hope. 💕

Even while grieving, moving forward doesn’t mean forgetting; it's about learning how to carry the memory of the lost loved one in a way that's healthy and respectful to your wellbeing

Some days will feel overwhelming, and life can feel like it's spinning out of control. But remember, you're doing the best you can. And if you're a parent or caregiver, remember that children tend to have unique ways of coping compared to adults - just like us, they need to go at their own pace.


ADHD already adds twists and turns to our daily lives, and the grieving process is no exception. But knowing is half the battle; once you understand how ADHD can affect your feelings and responses, you're already one step ahead. That constant sense of anxiety or even those symptoms like impulsivity, restlessness, or inattention  - acknowledging them can make a world of difference. 

There's no set treatment or timeline for grief, especially for adults or children with ADHD. It's perfectly okay to have your own feelings about loss and to cope in your unique way. This isn't about 'fixing' your grief; it's about learning to live your life around it. You're a whole person with a complicated range of emotions - that's what makes you human. 🥰

If you're finding it hard to focus or keep your emotions in check, that's a normal part of this complex process. But if you're feeling isolated, talking to anybody who gets it - friends, family, parents, teachers - can be the secret ingredient to finding peace. Many therapists specialize in providing support after the death or loss of a loved one - sometimes, having someone to listen without judgment is enough to help you process the feelings and make sense of them.

Remember, this isn't about getting 'back to normal' right away - it's about finding a way to incorporate this enormous life event into your life story. So, go easy on yourself. There's no timeline for grief, no endpoint where you suddenly 'get over it.' You're doing your best, and that's what counts. 🥰

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ADHD and Grief: FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do people with ADHD react to grief?

People with ADHD may have a different experience when dealing with grief. The emotional rollercoaster can be amplified by ADHD symptoms, making it hard to process feelings in a 'conventional' way. ADHD can make someone more susceptible to mood swings, impulsivity, or intense focus on specific aspects of the loss. Parents of children with ADHD might notice their child struggling with hyperactivity and meltdowns during grief or mourning.

Do people with ADHD struggle with grief?

Absolutely, just like anyone else might. The main difference is how the symptoms of ADHD can make the grieving process more complicated. For example, someone diagnosed with ADHD might experience a heightened sense of impulsivity, affecting how they manage grief. This isn't to say that if you have ADHD, you'll struggle more with grief; it just might be a slightly different path to healing.

Do people with ADHD process trauma differently?

Yes, the diagnosis of ADHD can indeed play a role in how trauma is processed. ADHD often involves emotional dysregulation, making coping with severe emotional events and processing trauma challenging. The cognitive aspects of ADHD, like inattention or hyperfocus, can make it hard to move on from the traumatic event. Kids and adults might find it difficult to 'let go' of traumatic memories, circling back to them more frequently than someone without ADHD.

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