The ADHD Food Connection

ADHD's Influence on Eating Habits and Food Choices

With ADHD, your relationship with food can be a bit of a rollercoaster. Certain foods may actually help or hinder your symptoms. Curious about this unique interplay between ADHD and your diet? Dive in to explore how a few foods diet or even avoiding specific foods can make a world of difference, especially for children with ADHD.

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Written by

Alice Gendron

Founder of The Mini ADHD Coach

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How Food Can Affect ADHD Symptoms

If you have ADHD, you probably know hunger can affect your mood and focus. 😓 But did you know that the food you eat can also either worsen ADHD symptoms or potentially ease them? 

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, affects critical abilities like planning, organizing, and maintaining a balanced diet. The scientific link here involves dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps with focus and pleasure. Many people with ADHD have lower levels of dopamine, which can lead to various symptoms related to attention and impulsivity. 🏃

So, how does food connect to ADHD and dopamine? Research shows that what you eat can significantly impact your dopamine levels and, by extension, your ADHD symptoms. For example, certain foods in an ADHD-friendly diet can help stabilize dopamine levels. ⚖️

Before we explore the kinds of foods that can improve or exacerbate ADHD symptoms, it's essential to examine how ADHD itself can affect our food habits. 

In this article, we'll cover topics like omega-3 fatty acids, the "few foods diet," and food sensitivities. We'll also discuss how this information can be relevant for children with ADHD. Whether you're concerned about artificial colors, thinking about trying an elimination diet, or are just looking to make better food choices, we're here to guide you. Let's get started! 🙌

How ADHD Symptoms Can Influence Your Eating Habits 

ADHD is a multifaceted condition that affects people differently, but one thing is clear: its symptoms can significantly impact our relationship with food. Research suggests that the impulsivity, mood swings, and focus challenges common to ADHD can make maintaining a balanced and varied diet more challenging. While it's true that everyone's appetite and food choices can be influenced by their mood or how they're feeling on any given day, the symptoms of ADHD can magnify these tendencies, impacting not just what we eat but also how we approach nutrition overall. 🔎

Here are a few key symptoms and experiences that can impact our relationship with food. ⬇️


I recently had a jam-packed day where due to exhaustion and forgetfulness, I completely forgot to eat. I nibbled on some snacks 🍫but knew I needed a balanced meal to meet my optimal nutrition for the day. 

So, I got home, greeted by my assortment of frozen foods, and popped one in the microwave. Then, distraction struck. I noticed my overflowing trash bin, took it out, collapsed on the couch, and grabbed a piece of fruit. Fast forward to brushing my teeth, and suddenly, I came across my thawed-out dinner still in the microwave. 😅

When you're navigating ADHD, maintaining consistent food habits can be a real challenge. Our brains 🧠are often pulled toward more engaging tasks, causing us to skip regular meals. The impulsivity and distractibility that often come with ADHD make it even more likely for us to forget to eat altogether, even when we've started the process, like microwaving our dinner or remembering to pick up essential food items from the grocery store. 😬


Ever find yourself so drawn to a flashy food ad on TV that you end up ordering takeout? Or do you head straight for the fridge when even a twinge of hunger hits? Snacking can feel a lot more appealing than cooking a full-blown meal. And honestly, ADHD doesn't make cooking any easier. 🤷

ADHD traits like impulsivity can seriously shake up our relationship with food. Quick decisions often rule the day, usually without considering long-term consequences. That means chips often win over a plate of whole-grain bread and veggies simply because they're right there and ready to eat. 😵‍

Impulsivity can disrupt a balanced and varied diet, push you toward quick and easy (but less healthy) options, and make maintaining consistent habits more of a challenge. 

Picky Eating

Ever find yourself stuck in a food rut, only eating a few foods you're absolutely sure you love? Research suggests that folks with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often lean into picky eating and can even have food sensitivities. 

For many of us with ADHD, certain foods become our go-to comfort items, and venturing into the unknown territory of new flavors feels like a risk not worth taking. It's almost as if we fixate on these familiar tastes and won't eat until we get them. The drawback? This can lead to a restricted diet and make it trickier to get all the nutrients we need.

It can mean we miss out on essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which could worsen ADHD symptoms. So, while sticking to what you know might feel more manageable, expanding your food options could be a game-changer for managing ADHD symptoms. 👍

ADHD & Analysis Paralysis

Ever get stumped by the simple question, 'what's for dinner?' 😭There's a steak in the fridge that needs to be used up, but a burger sounds more appealing - or maybe pasta? And ice cream for dessert? Yep, that's the chaos of analysis paralysis for you. With so many yummy options tempting us, sometimes we pick the most convenient one simply because it takes us so long to choose. 🙄

This knack for overthinking choices isn't just a foodie dilemma; it's a familiar experience for some of us with ADHD. We aim for the best, pondering over what fits our ADHD diet or if we should eliminate a few foods to avoid food sensitivities. But sometimes, we get so bogged down in seeking perfection that we can't decide. 🤷So, what was supposed to be a simple meal choice turns into a complex thought spiral, and that's not doing our health any favors.

ADHD Medications

ADHD meds 💊are a double-edged sword. For some of us navigating ADHD treatment, these meds can send our appetite haywire. One minute, you're not hungry, and the next, you're raiding the kitchen. When it comes to appetite regulation, stimulant medication, in particular, can reduce - or eliminate - our hunger altogether. But when the medication's effect starts to fade, don't be surprised if you find your appetite making a comeback - sometimes with a vengeance. Even children with ADHD can experience shifts in hunger due to medication, which can be extra tough to manage when your kid is also a picky eater. 🧒

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Foods Can Worsen ADHD Symptoms, Too

Eating a balanced diet is essential for everyone, but it can be incredibly challenging for people with ADHD. When it comes to nutrients and brain chemicals, the difficulty in maintaining a varied diet can have further health consequences. 🤒

Certain foods can intensify ADHD symptoms, making food choices a critical aspect to consider. While relying on them is tempting, foods high in sugar, artificial additives, and artificial sweeteners are best avoided because they can directly affect how we feel and behave.

Here's a more detailed look at foods to be cautious about. ⬇️

Overly Processed Foods

These typically contain sugar and artificial additives that can exacerbate ADHD symptoms.

Junk Food

Foods high in fats and calories and containing artificial colors can increase hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Caffeinated Drinks

Consuming these can make us more jittery and anxious, which could worsen ADHD symptoms - especially if you take stimulant medication.

Soft Drinks

These beverages often contain high levels of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine, all of which can impact ADHD negatively.


As a depressant, it can make us feel more tired and worsen ADHD symptoms.

Dairy Products

Some studies suggest dairy can increase mucus production, affecting focus and concentration.

From my own experience, I try to avoid eating sugar in the evenings, as it can interfere with my sleep 😴. I also monitor my caffeine intake closely because it can help and hinder my ADHD symptoms depending on the amount consumed.

Avoiding these foods doesn't mean you have to say goodbye forever; it's more about figuring out your trigger foods. Many people with ADHD can enjoy various foods in moderation without worsening symptoms. The key is understanding your body and how it reacts to certain foods. This way, you can make informed choices, especially when focus is essential. For example,  if you have an important event or exam coming up, it might be a good idea to avoid these potential trigger foods just to give yourself the best chance at performing well. 😊

Maintaining a Healthy Diet, the ADHD Way

Dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) impacts multiple facets of your daily life and deserves prompt diagnosis and treatment. Elevating your brain health should be a top-tier goal on your to-do list. ✅

In addition to healthcare professional-guided treatments, paying attention to your ADHD diet can offer some pretty immediate relief. Eating right can sharpen your focus and improve your mental health, too. 👍

Here are a few tips that many of us in the ADHD community (myself included) swear by. 👇

Figure Out Food Sensitivities

Staying disciplined in your food choices is vital. Experiment with an elimination diet to identify which foods might exacerbate your ADHD symptoms or to rule out food allergies. It’s important to note that this is a short-term measure, and is not a ‘detox’ diet. 

Food packaging can offer insight into ingredients you should include or temporarily avoid in your diet, such as food additives or artificial colorings. This is especially important for children with ADHD - one randomized controlled trial found that parents reported their child’s ADHD symptoms substantially improved after following the few foods diet (oligoantigenic diet), compared to other dietary interventions.

Eat Little and Often

For some adults and children with ADHD, dietary patterns that include eating small but frequent meals can really help maintain energy and focus. This approach often involves 'grazing' on healthy foods throughout the day, an easy feat with some meal planning. 🥗By doing this, a person's diet becomes more balanced, allowing for the incorporation of specific foods tailored to their needs. The end result? This regular meal schedule can help you avoid nutritional deficiencies, keeping you mentally and physically in tip-top shape. 💪

Packing a cooler bag with pre-prepared snacks and small meals can be a lifesaver when you're away from home, like at work or school. This helps you eliminate the temptation of convenient but unhealthy options often loaded with food colorings, sugar, or salt.

Consult the Pros

If you're short on time or find elimination diets overwhelming, seek advice from a healthcare professional such as a dietician or nutritionist experienced in ADHD. They can guide you through diet interventions and suggest essential mineral supplements to boost brain function. 🧠

Try Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Many foods can provide the crucial nutrients that the ADHD brain sometimes lacks. For instance, fatty fish packed with omega-3 fatty acids are a smart pick. Peer-reviewed studies have shown that these essential fats can improve cognitive function.

Incorporate Seeds, Grains, and Nuts

Seeds like chia seeds, whole grains like oats and quinoa, and nuts like almonds contain vitamins and minerals to help manage ADHD symptoms. The best part is many of these can be incorporated into naturally sweet treats that give you that natural sugar fix (such as chia seed pudding) while regulating energy levels. 🚀

Don't Forget About Veggies and Fruits

Whether you have ADHD or not, fruits and vegetables should be regular guests on your plate. These foods, rich in antioxidants, protect your brain cells and improve cognitive functions. If you do not like fruit and vegetables, try some homemade smoothie recipes or hide them in sauces and fruit punches.

Get A Sweet Fix With Dark Chocolate

A bit of dark chocolate can go a long way. It contains flavonoids, known for their antioxidant properties, which can improve blood flow to the brain. But remember, moderation is vital; opt for high-cacao content. 🍫

Don't Forget to Hydrate

Water isn't just essential for people with ADHD; it's crucial for everyone! Proper hydration can enhance your focus and help your body flush out toxins. 💦

When in Doubt, Seek Further Guidance

If maintaining an ADHD-friendly diet still feels like a puzzle, consult your healthcare professional. They can advise you on nutritional supplements such as vitamin D or eicosapentaenoic acid, as pairing dietary supplements with a varied diet can significantly improve symptoms.

There's more to managing ADHD symptoms than just diet, of course. Don't forget other key lifestyle factors like sufficient sleep, regular exercise, and stress management. Incorporate these tips, and you'll likely notice a positive shift in your ADHD symptoms sooner than you think! 😉


Nutrition isn't just an afterthought when managing ADHD symptoms; it plays a central role. By focusing on a diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and Omega-3 fatty acids, individuals with ADHD can potentially experience improvements in focus, emotional regulation, and even impulsivity

The key takeaway is that while medication and behavioral therapies are common routes for managing ADHD, diet can also be a highly effective complementary strategy. The more tools you have in your toolbox, the better you'll be at managing your ADHD. 💪

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ADHD and Food: FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What foods should people with ADHD avoid?

Many experts in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggest avoiding certain food additives, artificial coloring, and sugary foods, which can potentially make ADHD symptoms worse. Elimination diets, like the few foods diet, can be a valuable tool to pinpoint specific food sensitivities that might exacerbate symptoms. However, consulting with a healthcare professional for tailored advice is essential.

Is there a link between food and ADHD?

There's growing evidence that a person's diet can influence their ADHD symptoms. While the link between food and ADHD isn't fully understood, some dietary patterns, like a balanced ADHD diet rich in healthy fats, whole grains, and protein, can help improve ADHD symptoms. Conversely, certain foods, especially those with food additives and artificial colorings, might make ADHD symptoms worse.

Do bananas help with ADHD?

While bananas are a good source of essential nutrients and can be a part of a balanced ADHD diet, there's not enough scientific evidence to say they specifically improve ADHD symptoms. However, they contain nutrients that support brain function, so they're a great option to include among other foods, especially for children with ADHD.

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